How Acupuncture Works:
According to Chinese medicine, universal laws of nature govern the human body as well as the world around us. Health in the individual, as in nature, is determined by a smooth flow of vital energy. Chinese philosophy teaches that this vital life energy, or “qi” (pronounced “chee”), flows through the body in channels called meridians.
When the qi in the body is abundant, of good quality, and flowing freely, a person is healthy. When the qi is weak or obstructed, a person becomes susceptible to disease. The symptoms of disease can manifest not only within the physical body but also within our minds and spirits.
The aim of acupuncture is to re-establish balance, harmony and a smooth flow of qi throughout the body. This processe is encouraged by the insertion of needles into specific points along the various meridian
“Nature never repeats herself and the possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another.”